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frequently asked questions.
Where does Mister Niice Guy operate?Mister Niice Guy delivers to surrounding cities in the Durham Region including: Ajax, Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Courtice, Newcastle.
How do I order with Mister Niice Guy?You could send your orders in online or by telephone by calling our direct line: 437-224-0632
How do I know that Mister Niice Guy has accepted my order?After submitting your order, you will see your confirmation pop up when it is complete as well as an email to confirm your order. This means that your order has been sent to us and the delivery person. Your driver will send an ETA once they are en route.
How long will it take for my order to arrive?It will take up to 2 hours for your order to arrive.
Where can I ask questions or leave feedback?After you place an order with us, you can submit feedback from your experience with us under Contact Us. If you have further feedback or comments, chat with us on our live chat or direct phone line.
Is there a delivery fee or minimum purchase required to make an order?There’s a minimum order of $50 required to make an order. Delivery fee is $5 for every order between Monday-Wednesday, and $15 on orders between Thursday-Sunday.
How much should I tip for delivery?Your courier receives 100% of the delivery fee and tip provided. It’s up to you on how much you would like to tip.
What if I need to cancel or modify my order after I've placed it?You could modify or cancel your order by going back to your order to make the modifications or cancellation OR you could call us to do it over the phone for quicker response.
What should I do if my order isn't right?Call our direct line to let us know how to make it right for you.
What is the minimum age requirement to make an order?The website is not intended for individuals under the age of majority in the individuals province of residence. In Ontario, the minimum age requirement is 19 years old.
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